Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wild Children Is Out!

And now for the OTHER half of my writing style. I published the goth stuff first, because it was easy and meant less to me emotionally.

What I care about is children's and YA literature. That's what moves me. And the first book I wrote, and my Masterpiece, is Wild Children. As of today it is published and purchasable on the Amazon Kindle Store and Smashwords. In a few weeks, Smashwords will finish reviewing and it'll be on other major online bookstores.

Wild Children was written in a rush of artistic inspiration after a five year writing drought. I could not be more proud of it. It is deeply philosophical, it is tragic and uplifting, and it's about children. Not just in general, but told from the perspective of five different children. It was my first real experiment in first person, deep point of view, voice intense writing. I could not be happier with the result.

Now to update my author pages everywhere, and maybe do a little advertising!

1 comment:

  1. This is really one of the finest books I've read -- call it YA or call it fantasy or call it, gasp, "literature." I hope it finds the audience and all the success it so richly deserves!
