And now the trio is complete! Wild Children is ALSO out in paperback! Turns out it was slow being released in that format because it's a honking god damn big book and that creates printing and expense issues. Still, everyone always asks 'When will it be out in a paper version?' Well, my personal favorite of my books is now out in paper version!
Please Don't Tell My Parents I'm A Supervillain has not yet started editing, and I suspect it will be awhile. Curiosity Quills is growing so fast they're crushingly understaffed, and selfish author that I am I demanded my favorite (and badly overworked) editor. Frankly, Verity is worth it. She's amazing.
This horror novel continues to drag, but it IS getting written. Every scene gets a little more fun, as the process of bending without breaking the characters to suit me is left behind and the monsters creep back onto the scene. The noose tightens, and I love building tension. I'm getting interesting inspirations a little more all the while, but I can't deny my heart is still with Metal, Candy, Flesh. My moods get involved weirdly, as well. I'm a terrible writing addict. If I stop writing, I close up in a ball and stop enjoying the world. If I get really stressed, that process can work backwards. This makes momentum tough when I'm constantly reeling from the emotional highs and blows to my self-esteem that come with being a newly published author.
On a lighter note, that duck that used to hang out on my front lawn watching the house returned this year, but I only saw him once. Will he be back regularly? Why in heaven's name did a duck want to hang out alone on a suburban lawn in the first place? It's these little mysteries that make life interesting.
Have recently read Wild Children in paperback and can honestly say that I've enjoyed it a great deal. Jinx is now officially my favourite character. Will there be sequels or a continuation of similar stories in the future?