Friday, September 12, 2014

Everybody Keeps Asking When

My publisher has not told me when the sequel is coming out!  I'm expecting them to aim for Christmas, but I don't actually know.

The current status is that the first draft of the manuscript is done.  My personal revisions are almost done.  I'll run it past a couple of beta readers to make sure that I don't have any dull parts and it's not wildly inappropriate for kids (Have you read everything else I write?  I have to watch that part carefull.).  Then it goes to my publisher, and we do the official edits.

All of these stages are fast.  Most of them only take a few days.  So for practical purposes, the book is done and it's about how much of a hurry Curiosity Quills is in to release it.

I hope you people like it.  Keeping the same tone between books is not my specialty, but I tried to make it very definitely a Penelope Akk book.


  1. Thank you very much, I've read I'M 1 a bunch of times and love it, sorry for pestering you so much.

    1. I promise you, your enthusiasm does NOT upset me. It's great that people want the sequel this much!

  2. My estimate is it'll take about a year to go through editing, based on other author's blogs.

    1. Small and large publishers are very different animals. Large publishers can take a long time to publish but its not usually editing that causes the most delay. Most of it is promotional prep, print runs, and pre-publicity time. Small publishers tend to be much faster, since they don't have large print runs/inventory, promotion or publicity concerns. They also tend to simplified editing flow.

      Even faster if they are pubbing ebook or at least ebook first and then following it with paper.

      I was a moderator for a professional author and publisher forum years ago, and learned a lot in the process. (second time typing this, I always forget to log in first...)

  3. I am really hoping to see this book out ASAP. Loved the first book and cant wait to see where the characters go from here.
