Monday, October 19, 2015

Quick Question For My Blog Readers

Do you guys want me to post brief passages now and then from book three, if I think they contain no important spoilers?  There aren't a lot of bits like that, but I stumbled across one and thought I'd ask.


  1. Just, not much from half way point on, that would be bestest.

    1. Seconded. I'm enjoying reading your snips, and would enjoy more, but I don't want to much of the skeleton so I can enjoy seeing how it looks complete.

  2. Your publisher might get annoyed by this, but we won't ☺

  3. I'll be the spoilsport here and say "no". Just concentrate on finishing the book Richard and let me read the whole thing. After all, a teaser is just that; a tease. Stopping teasing me and let me devour the whole thing. :)
    BTW, has you decided on the name of the book yet?

  4. I enjoy reading them. I just want to know when the final book will be ready so I should start rereading book 1&2 again to be ready to pick up book 3.

  5. I reluctantly also toss in a 'no' vote.

    I like the buzz-building some authors do - releasing Chapters 1, 2, 3 a week apart leading up to release date. Nothing from too far into the story, and it helps build early pre-orders (if you wait until after the book entry is up before doing it).

    I'm afraid I won't enjoy seeing random snippets from the whole body of the book. Also, I'd rather read into the deep sections completely fresh with no expectations. Even spoiler-free tidbits would have *some* revelatory info that would leave me with expectations for what's coming.

  6. I agree, even minor spoilers from later in the book can give away things.

  7. I hunger for anything I can get. In the wait for a new book even a scrap is a feast.

  8. I dunno. I rather like going into reading a book with fewer preconceptions. By that i mean every disconnected chapter your feed us, even if it doesn't reveal plot details, is still going to contain spoilers and also my brain likes to make connections. What if i go into reading your final product expecting something different then you end up delivering, then no ones happy....

    Much rather you just update us on your progress now and again, and id wait to read your novel when its all riveted together and polished.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I like how the previous early releases gave us a taste (going for bio-tools) and then we got the surprise of going into Space!

  11. Sounds like if the brief passages were posted as links rather than quoted directly into blog entries everyone's interests would be served. People could still follow the blog, but wouldn't be obliged to follow the links, or the comments on those posts, which would probably have a lot of speculation relating back to the passages.

    1. that is what he's been doing so far. Which is probably why I for one haven't actually weighed in on this :)

  12. If the book's still six months+ out then yeah, I'd like another taste. If it'll be sooner no, hold your fire.

  13. Spoiler-free excerpts would be very welcome.

  14. can you give us an idea about when we will see the finished book instead?
