Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Sickness Unto Death, And...

I had an inner ear injury.  It was pretty bad.  Life-threatening, even.  It is theoretically chronic, but odds are it will be a long time between flare-ups, and I will be able to apply the treatment immediately.  That will hopefully prevent what I had this time - more than two weeks of being incapacitated by constant dizziness.

I was afraid I might never be able to write again, because I couldn't read a computer screen.  No joke.

But I did heal, so I'm back with a small treat!  My publisher doesn't like me posting big previews, but I figure I can post two or three chapters of I Did Not Give That Spider Superhuman Intelligence.  On that note...

Chapter Le Two!


  1. Oh, I am *excited* for this book.

  2. Ok. Now, that is the kind of writing that jumps out at you. You gotta read it twice, to get everything, and it is still fun to re-read. I like it!

  3. Glad to hear that you're feeling better. Chapter two looks really good. Irene is younger than I expected her to be!

  4. Yeah, I figured irene would be like some mini-diety like entity leftover from the stone age. At least thats what I hoped.

  5. Eep. Glad you're back. Be well. Jeph Jaques had something like this spring up recently :-/ this better not be a thing going around to people I like reading.

  6. I have glad to hear you are feeling better, I figured something must be going on due to it getting a bit quite around here. Best of luck in a speedy recovery!

  7. Nice! I'm super pumped for more books in Penny's universe.

  8. Stay on that would hate to lose a great author. And that said more of this book please loving it so far��

  9. Stay on that would hate to lose a great author. And that said more of this book please loving it so far��

  10. Good to hear you're feeling better.
    The chapter is great. Can't wait for the full book :)

  11. Hope you stay on the mend and feel 100% soon!
    Thanks for the read it was very fun.

  12. labyrinthitis sucks.

    Everyone: If you start randomly getting dizzy during the day, and it gets worse and worse and more and more frequent: Go to a doctor. Labyrinthitis can sometimes be cured, or at least prevented from becoming worse. Not always though.
