Friday, June 23, 2017

The Unexpected Contest

The Please Don't Tell My Parents I'm A Supervillain series is being considered for a television show.  Animated, I think.  Odds are still low, but they have become seriously real.  Active discussions are going on.

One thing that makes a big difference is sales.  That the book had a great launch is important, but another surge while discussions are going on would increase my odds considerably.  With that in mind, my publisher has decided on a contrast, and I have agreed to support it.

Here it is:  They want publicity.  Whoever can produce the best publicity event gets a cameo appearance in the last book.  I don't mind putting in a cameo at all, but I'm a lot happier with the second part.  Everyone who my publisher thinks even provides a worthwhile effort gets a copy of a Penny Akk story that will not be released otherwise.  I'll write that one when I finish book five, currently in progress.  That, at least, makes me feel like I'm providing value and not ripping my fans off.

If you do anything, feel free to let me know so that I can pass your actions on to my publisher for judgment.  You can also contact Curiosity Quills directly.  @CuriosityQuills is their Twitter address, and works pretty well.

Good luck, folks!  If the show happens or I hear it's abandoned, I'll let you know.  You proooobably won't hear anything soon, because the more serious things get, the less I'll be allowed to say.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Which Leads Us To The Next Question

How much and when do you guys think I should post chapters of the next book?  I'm well into it now.  Normally I post quite a bit, just because I enjoy seeing people read.  With the massive cliffhanger, I'm less sure this time.

EDIT - I think I know what I want to do, and the last comment I read echoed it.  There is a scene coming up that I'm looking forward to, and it will provide almost nothing in the way of spoilers of how the plot is going in general.  I'll post it here, and maaaaybe any others I think are that safe and particularly enjoy and want to share.