Thursday, June 15, 2017

Which Leads Us To The Next Question

How much and when do you guys think I should post chapters of the next book?  I'm well into it now.  Normally I post quite a bit, just because I enjoy seeing people read.  With the massive cliffhanger, I'm less sure this time.

EDIT - I think I know what I want to do, and the last comment I read echoed it.  There is a scene coming up that I'm looking forward to, and it will provide almost nothing in the way of spoilers of how the plot is going in general.  I'll post it here, and maaaaybe any others I think are that safe and particularly enjoy and want to share.


  1. It's like spoilers. You hide it with something that warns people, so those that want to can look away, then you go ahead, so those that want to can look.

  2. I am pretty desperate to get reading the next book as soon as possible after that ending…BUT…well after that ending, the very first sentence is going to be pretty spectacularly spolierrifc for anyone who hasn’t had a chance to read Nemesis all the way through…but more, I think previews may be the wrong way to go with this one…I want to see what happens next SO bad, but I think getting it in little bits might dilute things/take away from what’s happening…as much as I hate to say it I think you might want to wait and just publish the whole thing /only reveal the book ahead of time to your chosen Alphas and Betas…

  3. Keep us in the dark I say. You did go a bit overboard with the last book, it felt like I had read 1/3 to 1/4 of it before it had released. It made the book feel much shorter overall.

    Speaking of the last book the cliffhanger is also a reason to hold back on spoilers. Usually the first parts of the book is raising the tension, setting things up for the conflicts later in the book, but we don't see the meat on what the story will be. With Penny's current situation I doubt that this will be the case with the next book. In essence the first part of the next book will be just as important to the later parts in regards to conflict resolution, because we start out of the gate with a serious conflict.

  4. I'd personally rather get the whole book all at once.

    But I know you like to get some feedback on the books before finishing them. So I would say keep it to a minimum.

  5. Normally I'd say post away and clearly label spoilers. If it's going to be a year, that's a way to go.

    But with a cliffhanger break in a two-part story, if progress on the last book is going well and it's not going to be a long delay, then what you're proposing sounds like the Stanford marshmallow experiment, which maybe isn't a great choice.

    You might consider restricting posts to carefully chosen non-spoiler teaser excerpts this time. Not as satisfying, but maybe an adequate compromise.

  6. The cliffhanger was grand, and leaves use wondering what happens next. My personal opinion is, revealing "what" Penny does next, or revealing where she is going, or even just what she is planning to do, would be a tension reducing spoiler.

    If the chapters you intend to release would reveal that, I would say not to post them.

    If it involves others - their viewpoints (as long as they do not spoil what Penny is doing), then that would be good to read prior to the books' release. For example, Marcia's View of the fight between Penny and Heart of Gold Penny. Or, a few days later, with Cassie wondering why Penny has changed, prior to Robot Penny becoming known, etc.
    That I would like to read, before the book is released.

    1. This is a well thought out answer that I absolutely agree with.

  7. I like spoilers, and they don't generally "spoil" the story for me - instead, they make me feverishly impatient to get the rest.

    I may be in the minority here, since I also think that anyone who hasn't already read "Nemesis" but reads a spoiler for the following book has exactly no grounds for complaint.

    If you expect the next book to be out before the end of the current year, I'd say "spoil away"

  8. Eh, good arguments can be made for just about any position on this topic. My own reading preference is to avoid spoilers and read the book in its entirety once it comes out rather than work myself into contortions over sneak peeks and what they portend, but other people enjoy the pre-release snippets and ensuing theory-crafting. Releasing the first chapters of Book 5 early does have the potential to reveal far more about the story than your sneak peeks for the previous books, but I think the people who visit this blog are eager for content and discussion. I would suggest posting the first chapter six to eight months in advance, the second four to six months, and the third two to four months and filling in other gaps with either discussions about your other projects or more trivia about the universe "Please Don't Tell My Parents..." takes place in.

  9. Really I think it's up to you. And depends on how long it's going to be before the next book comes out. If it's only going to be a little while then I would say hold off. If it's going to be a year or more maybe a chapter or two if they're short so we can be excited about what's going to happen instead of having a cliffhanger hanging over our heads. I know I've told my sister and a few of my friends not to read book 4 until book 5 comes out because #Cliffhangers. But if you do decide to release some of book 5 please not as much as last time. 35% of the book was a bit much. I was a bit disappointed when I found out I had so little left to read.

  10. I want to start reading!! Please post chapters.

  11. I know I already posted on this, but I am going to try again because I don’t think I did a very good job the first time :-)

    The way I’ am seeing this; the entire series up to this point, all four books, has been building up to that one scene. All the foreshadowing, all the seemingly completely unrelated bits, even the fun asides that couldn’t POSSIBLE have real/long-lasting impact, all of it has led here…and in the next book is where it’s all going to pay off. The whole book from Page 1 to “The End” will be the grand finale to the whole Saga, and letting any of it out ahead of time will dilute the impact.

    It’s like sweets I think, just because we want them, and just because we will enjoy them at the time, doesn’t mean its actually a good idea to give them too us :-)

    I didn’t have any problem with previews on the other books, but this time I really think it might be best for the story to keep what happens next under your hat…

  12. Personally I think you should go with excerpts of random scenes that make no sense out of context. Treat us like junkies. Give us random tastes that make us froth at the mouth for more

  13. I think it depends on when the next book is coming out. This is very much a part one and part two, and if book five is coming soon then I would rather get the book as a whole rather than having read a few chapters ahead of time. If it's going to be awhile, still don't post chapters- post random excerpts like others have suggested so we can stay excited but have no clue what's actually going on.

  14. i don't see how you can post anything that won't give us some idea of what penny's next step will be, which is a HUGE cliff right now. maybe something about how other penny is doing with her parents if you wind up writing from her point of view, which would be interesting.

  15. As someone who has not yet read the latest book, I hope there would be no spoilers. But if need be, then please put a warning in the post so readers like me can skip it. With a warning, there can be no complaints from anyone.

  16. With how things ended and are going to start most everything is going to be spoiler. I think the first scenes with Claire, Ray, and all the school buddies should be fine as it may be capable of acting as a stand alone scene since the afore mentioned don't have context into events. Overall I would rather go into everything as with as clean a slate as possible. This is the final installment of the Penny series after all. When else would you be justified in having us waiting in suspense?

  17. I know this is a non sequitur but In my head we have penultimate (Hero), Bad penny (neutral), and penny dreadful (Villain) it helps keep it clear who does what.

    1. Penny Dreadful - outstanding name, much better than my offering.
      Although, considering how Mr. Roberts can make villains, or even Remy, sympathetic, I wonder if she might turn out to be something else. Worth waiting for.

  18. OK just finished the book and I have to say heavy Cliffhanger.
    Now I really want to read what happens next and I´m hot for it but I want to read everything not chapter here spoiler there that is no fun in my opinion
    I now you could (and I know it involves more work for you)write about Claire and Ray and their "quests"

  19. ...All I want to know, is will it be six months, or a year, until we get the next darn book? Or less? Because, GORRAM THAT CLIFFHANGER!


  20. Don't release any of the chapters until the book is done. The anticipation for the next book won't kill me. Thank you for writing a book series that makes me smile.
