Saturday, December 29, 2018

Somebody Asked For More

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

I think I've settled on 'Vanity Rose' as her final name.


  1. I continue to be insanely jealous of anyone with gravity boots. Your ability to shift between significantly different locations and tones while the plot and characters remain constant is as impressive as ever. I already feel like I have a good sense of this world, while simultaneously feeling like something is going to utterly defy that sense at some point in this story.

    P.S. Chapter 2, Page 3, a bit above the middle there's a word missing. 'We slid into a large ¿garage?, practically a docking bay'.

    1. Thanks! I post these to get feedback on whether people like the story and what they like, but a big mistake like that needs fixing. I've reposted with the word 'garage' inserted.

  2. Oh, I REALLY want to know what comes next. I just want to egg you on! What kind of feedback is useful to you?

    1. What you like. What you don't like, to some extent, but mostly just what you like and how much you like it.

    2. Alpha reading is exactly about egging me on!
