Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Hooray For Complete!

Book Four, Please Don't Tell My Parents I Have A Nemesis, is complete.  None of my alpha readers saw the ending coming, and said they're hooked for the final book, so that's a good sign.

My intent is to write the fifth and final Penny book next, although I can't post anything until this book is out because SO MANY SPOILERS.

Right now, I'm trying to remember who my beta readers were.


  1. Are your beta readers the people who got an ARC of " PDTMP I've got Henchmen"? Because then thats me!
    Cant wait for the book to come out soon.

  2. I'd love to be a beta reader. And on the plus (or minus) side, I'm the daughter of a transcriptionist, married to an editor.

    Hint. Hint.

  3. Woo! Even more excited than when I finished Henchmen.

  4. Not one of your beta readers, but really looking forward to this (and book 5). When can we expect to see Nemesis on the market?

    1. His Twitter says to expect it in May. This sounds pretty fast to me, but his publishers have been very happy with how his past works have sold and it would make sense that they would put a lot of effort in getting it out ASAP.

  5. Great news! The faster, the better! Can't wait!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. The email you used to send out for henchmen was yesiwrotesupervillainsheesh@*******.com, so if you wanted to use the same list feel free :D.

  8. What does it take to become an early reader? I would be so in! Thank you Mr. Roberts!

  9. Glad to hear it's complete :) Look forward to reading this, and sad that the 5th book is her final adventure :-/ Ah well, all good things come to an end.

  10. How do we become a beta reader?

    1. Go back in time and become a childhood friend of the author?

  11. Super New Fan listened to all the books in the last few weeks in my free time and cant help but say that Im super looking forward to the this one and the next one. Between your stories and Drew Hayes stories Im all supered up.

  12. So excited! Love the series so far, and it sounds like you are gearing up for the final book too.

  13. Can we get an estimate on what the price would be? (Trying to budget my next reload for the most value)

  14. Hi again! Looking forward to your next, and final, Penny books! Now that you've explored superheroes, what sort of setting would you like to explore next? I'm eagerly anticipating your next breakout!

  15. When does the book come out on the Kindle store?

  16. i love your writing and hope to see book 5 but the end of book 4 SO SAD
