Monday, April 24, 2017

I Hate Wait

So, we have a delay.  I've been sitting here, writing the next book, looking forward to posting chapters.  I can't do that until Book Four is out, of course, because Spoilers.  SO.  MANY.  SPOILERS.  You people will shoot me in the face for all the spoilers.

And naturally, I get a message from my publisher that the publication date on Nemesis is getting moved back.  My editing notes haven't even arrived yet, so it wouldn't be physically possible to publish on the 1st as planned.  I'm going to hold it to within the month of May, and the specific offer I got was the 27th.  Waiting another four weeks for you folks to get to read this awesomeness does not please me, but I have little choice.

Preorders, at least, should go up on the 1st.

Seriously, I am vexed more than anything because you folks will go nuts over Nemesis, and I can't wait to watch that.  My alpha readers promise that the book gets better and better as it goes along.


  1. You're killing me! I've been checking daily - sometimes more than daily - for an update. I need a new book! All of my regular reads are either between books for extended periods of time (Butcher, Rothfuss) or are having longer-than-normal stretches between publishing books. I've averaged over 300 pages per day read for the past month... or at least I did till last week.

  2. I may be in the minority here but I say take your time. Make sure the book comes out good and everything would be golden.

  3. It's fine we can wait, writing takes time and so does editing, your an amazing author and all the books you write have been well worth it.

  4. While I don't mind waiting, I do have plenty of other stuff to read thanks to all the books coming out of Asia being translated, I still want to read Nemesis. I check 2-3 times a day just to see if you have announced the release date. But I guess your publisher was determined to make me cry.

  5. I can wait - I've had too many books that were spoiled cause they were cranked out to meet some schedule.

  6. That would be a little harsh. Maybe having Bull give her a good spanking would work better.

  7. Remmy is one of my favorite characters, so you're out of luck there. Still, her role in this book is not huge, and she does not appear at all in book five.

    1. Remmy just needs a good spanking from either Bull or Claudia.

    2. She has good strength, but nothing that's super. So Marcia could do it. And would enjoy it!

  8. I've been checking on nearly a daily basis... the only reason why I haven't been checking daily is because two days ago, the sim card in my phone stopped working. I have extremely limited access to internet. When I do access the internet, it's to check Amazon for the new book.

    Now... I will continue to impatiently check for the book. I will hope for some miracle that will allow the book to come early. I will ravenously hit the Preorder button. Why? Because the suspense is eating at me. I lost my downloads of the first four chapters, so I only got to taste the first one. I must have this book.

    Now I will go pretend like I'm waiting with utmost patience while attempting to conceal my poorly restrained excitement. Thank you for bringing awesomeness to my life, whenever it arrives.

  9. The general train of thought was the schedule being very aggressive. I wouldn't worry. If it takes long to get a book everyone is happy with so be it. It's great to hear that you want this in our hands at the first available moment. I'm sure you're doing everything in your power to make it happen and we believe!

  10. when will the audio book come out?

  11. Still no pre-order available on Amazon. Hope all is going well.

    1. The cover art is taking forever, and they got started on it late because the artist's previous cover took forever. I am less than happy.

    2. Hopefully you at least got your editing notes, at least.

    3. Thank goodness, yes. And they're all finished, too! We're just waiting on the cover art now.

    4. Pity that it's taking so long, but there's good marketing reasons for thematic unity in all the covers.

      Plus, I'll admit that I *like* the existing covers. Though I hope that it doesn't take much longer.

  12. Given there's still no Amazon pre-order is the May 27th release date still accurate?
