Tuesday, May 23, 2017


I told you I'd keep this post updated.

Please Don't Tell My Parents I Have A Nemesis is out on Amazon!  You can click on the image below to get to it!  WOOOOOO!  Everybody I gave an advance copy, go leave a review, and I hope you liked the book and it's a good review.  Reviews are gold for writers, and why my publisher told me to hand out early copies.

Paperbacks and an audiobook are contracted, but heaven knows when they arrive.  I don't think recording on the audiobook is started, and there was a lot of last minute fuss, so I figure paperbacks will take at least a couple of weeks.

To the Amazon Page!

See you soon with more info, I hope!


  1. Ooh, pretty.

    Also, is the title page art done too? And if so, is there any chance you could post it too?

    1. Nope. The copies I sent are deliberately rough. Book piracy is a huge thing. Just sending them out is a risk I'm amazed my publisher is cool with. It gives me the joy of people reading a little earlier, so I don't argue with them!

  2. Just checking the date as the Curiosity Quills site is quoting the 25th
    Awesome cover by the way

  3. There has been huge confusion. I wouldn't mind the 25th! Again, as soon as they say anything to me, I'll update this page.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. That's a nice looking cover. It looks like we have an ominous glowy portal. With tentacle thingies inside. So many things that we could speculate on, but we must not forget that cover art very rarely is accurate to the source material. If I had do guess I would say the Jovians are involved.

    I'm very excited and eagerly looking forward to the book.

  6. Amazing cover art! It came out really good.

    Will this book be released in a hard cover?

    Is there a place to get "Henchmen" in a hard cover? Thanks...

  7. Tentacle things theory: Cthulhu! XD JK

  8. Someday I'll learn to lurk in the blog rather than on Amazon. So the book is set to release soon? I hope it's released at midnight. Then I will read it throughout this holiday weekend. 😁

  9. Replies
    1. Hmmm. For me there's no physical copy option.

    2. For me it is not even showing up on Amazon at all.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Doesn't show up on the author page


  12. Dear Author, i discovered your Supervillian series a couple years ago, weirdly enough on TvTropes while searching for Fanmade Variants of White Wolf World of Darkness Games, which lead me to "Genius: The Transgression" and finally to your series, which were absurdly teasing for me, but as things go the lack of knowledge about there being e-book versions of them prevented me from buying and enjoying them at the time (I'm from Mexico and the local bookstores didn't have those books), go forward to a couple weeks ago and an aunt gifted me with an amazon gift card and out of nowhere i wondered what happened to those 2 supervillian books i had been interested, one search later i've found that not only they were part of a series, but that the release of the fifth book (if you include the precuel) was scant weeks from release and the author was working on the next (and i believe, final) instalment. Without further ado i bought them all and bingie read them from top to bottom expecting to familiarise myself with the story and characters in order to completely enjoy 'Nemesis', which i'm about to finish at the moment of this post, i thank you for this magnificent series that while not some supreme epic, it completely covers the purpose of it's existance stated in the first pages of book one "we've always wanted to rewrite our childhood" and it not only covers all expectatives but exceeds them to the point of not wanting the series to end, but like all good things in life and life itself? it must end sometime, so i thank you for the ride and for sharing these stories with us, looking forward to the next instalment and hope we can revisit Penny and her world at some point in the future.
    Sincerely Yours a recent but Faithful Reader.
    P.S. I've noticed some typos on the Kindle Version of 'Nemesis' especially this one:
    Unlike myself and Ray, Claire could not possibly look more like [b]myself[/b] if she’d worn an ‘I Am Claire Lutra’
    i think it should be Herself instead of myself, but then again i may be reading it wrong.

  13. Ebooks aren't books, so maybe in a few weeks. Sigh.

    1. The paperback edition is now available for order, so it took exactly a couple of weeks. I admire the precision.

  14. Are you still sending out epub versions to people who send in kindle edition proof of purchase, like last time?

  15. Bought it today. It's apparently a kindle Best Seller currently :)
    Any word on when the audio book will be out? Just checking for my friend. He's dyslexic, so he's been doing all the books as audio.

  16. Thank you for the ARC. I have an official copy in my kindle now. Thanks for all you're hard work and getting us a great read.

  17. I got my review up, and purchased an official copy to go with the early reader copy you sent.

    If I get too frustrated waiting for the final book I can always go through obsessively comparing the two.

    I'm not sure whether the snippets of the next book will help or make me even more anxious. But I'm still looking forward to them.

  18. In some earlier posts he mentioned he was actually already part way through writing the last book. Which gives me hope that it won't be a too long for the next book. I'm tempted not to read the teaser chapters but I doubt I'll last more then a few days once they start coming out.

    1. Good. Cliffhangers are evil.

    2. emphasis on GOOD. This had a great cliffhanger that was actually a surprise to me.

      But I will say most cliffhangers are poorly done.

    3. Not saying the novel is bad. Just saying the author is evil.
      Turned villain.
      Followed the left-hand path.
      Grew a goatee.

    4. I knew what you were saying. I was just recently ranting about bad cliffhangers to my friends and family. So there was a little bit of bleed over.

  19. Just finished reading it off Kindle Unlimited...Just one thing to say....Woah, well played good sir.

  20. that twist at the end! you hinted it, but since i hadn't seen anything develop i forgot about it. i thought she was finally going to tell her mom, and the series would end. boom i was wrong. can't wait to see what she does now.

  21. How soon is the audible version coming out? I'm busy, and listening to books instead of radio is the only way I get stories sometimes.

  22. I bought this on kindle last night. I'm not sure if you're aware, but the kindle ebook version has many pages hard-coded with white background and black text. This is really annoying on a platform which has a built in light-text-on-black-background mode.
    Turning to one of the hard-coded white background pages while reading in bed at night is blinding. Luckily I could run the file through Calibre and strip the color formatting, but otherwise I'd have been quite upset about it.
    You might want to look into fixing that issue.

  23. #1. I have to buy an amazon card and hide it so I dont have to worry if i will have the money for the next book.
    #2. Any of your other books in the same universe as the "Don't tell my parents" series? specifically is "Quite Contrary"?

  24. Replies
    1. That's my question, as well. My son pretty much only listens to books, reading physical books is for school, lol. So I am eager to hear when the Audible version arrives.

  25. I just finished reading it and I have one thing to say:

    Wow. I did not expect that.

    With that out of the way... I'll be waiting to see how you resolve this in the final book. I think I may have seen a few chekov guns scattered around, hopefully they'll help.
